March 27, 2014

  • I know I write about this a lot BUT...



    Okay, so this morning I saw someone post something on Facebook and basically, it turned into more assumptions on how if you are skinny or built a certain way that you must anorexic. I did have to speak up saying I'm naturally thin and anyone who knows me understands that I don't have an eating problem of any sort and get offended when people think that just because of my build.


    Yes, I'm skinny and yes, I eat! Calling a thin girl anorexic is not cute or even funny. So, please don't do it. Personally, I come from a dance background and I've recently gotten back into dance on a more consistent level. Those calories burned while dancing is well, a lot of calories. I've also personally never been one to eat junk food. All my life as long as I can remember I've always been into fruits and veggies. One year my Mom even made me an Easter fruit basket instead of the normal candy and stuff most kids got for the holiday. Also, seeing as how I have a dance background I do tend to still eat like a dancer which is basically small meals through out the day. For example: Today, I've had a greek yogurt, a salad and in a little bit I'll have an apple with a follow up salmon for dinner. I naturally crave the good for you foods. I have in my entire life never been on diet either which I know makes certain people angry.


    I do at times feel annoyed with the fact that I have to constantly defend myself on my eating habits because I'm thin. Yes, I do admit I can still shop in the juniors department if I wanted to and I'm 33 years old. I ran across this some card pictured on Pinterest and it does rub me the wrong way. There's tons of these meme's out there that straight up skinny shame too and it drives me crazy. I eat and I do so in a healthy manner and no, I am not hungry. If I am hungry I'll grab an apple or half a bagel. I know how to listen to my body and contrary to what people may believe or think because of my thin frame I do eat. Do I eat pizza? Yes, I eat pizza. In fact, I just had three slices of pizza on Tuesday. I eat sweets every once in a while too but I don't go overboard on portions.


    I hope one day people wake up and realize that shaming anyone's body regardless of why is harmful. I know I've had to deal with it all through my life and I look at my youngest who is basically taking after me and I know she'll deal with the same amount of huff as I have. My youngest is tall and thin. She also naturally goes for the fruits and veggies. I know she'll probably deal with the amount of crap from people and I figure I'll have to help her through it as my Mom did but still, I wish people weren't so mean and rude at times.


    So many people think being thin is socially acceptable but I disagree. Anyone on either extreme ends of the spectrum will have to deal with comments from other people and shaming. I again state that we should just encourage people to be healthy and not be so infatuated with their body type(whatever it may be).

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