Month: December 2013

  • And a Happy New Year!



    What a way to end the year! I'm sitting here with a weenie dog who needs his pain killer in about an hour because he pulled a muscle in his back. Yep, I had to run all over the place yesterday and get him seen at the first available time the vet had and now, my little friend is on pain med's for about two weeks and he's due for his daily pain med in about an hour. Oh well, it could have been worse in the long run. Now, just to get him to remain calm so he can heal..yeah, that's been fun so far to say the least..Anyways, now I am ranting and missing the point of this blog.


    This year has been the year of the dentist. We have all started going to see the dentist. My little one is all caught up and now, we are just waiting for her adult molars to come in so she can get her retainer. I am, oddly enough counting down to my two cleanings at the start of the year. I've reached the point where I'm done with what's going on in my mouth. I also know what's going on in my mouth and well, my issue had to wait since everyone decides to use up their insurance at the end of the year. Oh well, I can't wait to get my dental cleanings done and over with so that I can finally have a steak..Oh, a steak!


    The little one here is doing wonderfully in school this year. Her confidence has grown and with that her teacher's are now seeing what we see at home- a smart kid. She's also speaking vocabulary words that are well, simply put- large words and she understands them. I am proud of my little one for finally finding her way in school and finding a way to shine.


    I can't wait to get back to dance once my mouth is clean and back to seriously playing the flute. Both of those things my mouth holds me back in the long run. I'm not one for resolutions but I do have things to get done over a year. I have things I want to get done and things I want to get back to that I've grown to miss.


    This year has not been horrible at all. I am simply looking for better than what this year had to offer. So, with that..I send off 2013 and I am getting ready to send in 2014 and shake it's hand. I hate dentists but I am looking forward to my appointments..I know, I must be sick but hey, I want to get this over with and get on with my life without worrying about what I can eat and can't eat due to my gums. Its time and I'm ready..Bring it! I mean, after all..If my daughter can have teeth pulled, cavities filled and bounce back I think I can do it. I'm not even having teeth pulled..It seriously can't be that bad..right?

  • Are we programmed this way?



    Recently one of my friends posted something about jealousy and how to overcome it and it got me thinking long and hard on things and I realized something. Anytime I've experienced jealousy from someone else it happened to come from another woman....Never a man. Are we as women programmed this way? Is just put into our nature from a young age? It seems to like men typically, see one of their friends get a new car or motorcycle and ask to take it out for a spin, shake their friend's hand, buy them a beer to celebrate and that's it- no cattiness there from jealous at all. It's all rather cut and dry.


    Women on the other hand will sulk when someone has something or numerous something's that they don't have or can't afford. They will sit there and watch in the wings and make slightly rude yet slightly positive comments from the sidelines at times and then run off and bad mouth when the person isn't within earshot of hearing. Now, I'm not saying every woman does this- I've met numerous women who are more then willing and open about the fact that they are jealous about something you have and they don't but on the other hand there are women out there who just make little comments that come off as cold when you do something or get something before them. Why is that?


    I mean, as women you are encouraged to express yourself. People want you to discuss your feelings and everything under the sun but when it comes down to jealousy and jealousy with one of your girlfriends everyone suddenly becomes catty and unable to use their words. How is that you can't simply use your words to say you are jealous over this, that and the other instead of sitting around sulking or making snarky comments to one another. Its much easier to speak your mind and not be passive aggressive at the end of the day.


    We all have different goals in life and different things that we are good at but we all do have flaws. I do tend to think that some of us do hide our flaws better than others. You also shouldn't have to worry about being like everyone else. If there's one thing I've learned over the years is that just because someone has something or met some goal doesn't mean you have to follow suit to keep with the 'in crowd'.


    We as women are held to an insane standard already- why even try to compare yourself to another woman? She has her own personal standard for herself which doesn't have to match your own. The fact that her own standard doesn't match your own doesn't send out the bat signal for cattiness either..Sorry, ladies but it doesn't. Most of the time this happens in mommy land in all honesty but I've seen in other places as well. We shouldn't all be expected to be Superwoman that's simply impossible- if you spread yourself too thin then at the end of the day no one will be happy. There is no need to be running on a treadmill in an imagery pissing contest.


    In this respect we should learn to take a lesson from the men. If your girlfriend gets a new car, their kid achieves something, they met a personal goal for themselves...whatever it is that day or that year simply shake her hand or hug her and honestly mean your congratulations to your friend- no cattiness or anything in there. Is it really that hard to be honestly proud of a friend?

  • Just a kiss!

    kiss Now, today on the news they ran a story about a very cute little boy who was suspended from school for kissing a girl on the cheek. Yes, he got suspended for that- see here:


    How is this possible? What has happened to the world today that THIS is acceptable. This child has no clue what sexual harassment is nor does this six year old boy know or understand what sexual harassment is or happens to be which makes for some awkward conversations happening WAY too early. These are kids and this is a normal thing.


    Everyday I take and pick up my daughter from school. There is a little boy there who mostly on Friday's gives her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. I don't mind, she's making friends and clearly the little boy likes her a little bit from the descriptions I get from my daughter at the end of the school day. I don't make a huff about it because that would just be silly these young kids who are simply showing affection. Contrary to popular belief affection is a good thing. This is for sure taking it too far with our young ones. He for sure shouldn't be punished for a simple kiss on the cheek.


    newsflash: Our kids are behind and last I heard many other countries are beating us academically. Maybe part of the reason why we are falling behind is that we are too worried about being politically correct and other minor issues with our children that shouldn't be that big of a deal in the long run. How about we focus on the learning?  Allow our kids to get ahead by letting them learn both about simple emotions and also about their letters, colors and the alphabet. Stop suspending kids for little minor things that well, they shouldn't be kicked out of school for- its insane and you aren't encouraging them to learn. Let kids be kids and make learning as fun as you can! I know I am constantly impressed by the school that my daughter is going to. Although out of district, they are doing a great job at getting things across to her and making it FUN! The more fun young kids have and are allowed to have the easier learning is and the more kids want to learn. Us adults who are sticks in the mud and party poopers aren't allowing the kids that- let them have fun and LEARN!


  • I do believe in Santa..I do! I do!

    My daughter turns eight on Sunday and somehow we have managed to keep her belief in Santa alive. By now, most other kids have let that wonder and excitement go and know that there is no Santa. I know its only a matter of time until someone(possibly a kid around her age) tells her that Santa isn't real BUT I am enjoying the time now that she does believe in Santa. She even believes in the Easter Bunny! Of course, she respects the Easter Bunny more than Santa since she's always been fond of Easter...Now, I'm just babbling but anyways...


    We have always encouraged her to be imaginative and all of her teachers tell her how imaginative and creative she is- we like to change up the holiday and make them our own since we aren't really religious at all in this house. This year, I figured the cat would be out of the bag on Santa with her age and all but it isn't. I did all of the Christmas shopping online and after a dentist appointment on Friday boxes of stuff started to show up. Naturally, she knows you can order stuff online and get it delivered to your door by now so when the boxes showed up and I didn't open them in front of her she started to wonder what was going on and I told her "These are gifts that Santa sent. I'll open them later." She accepted that and we moved on with the day. A few hours later she wanted to know if Rudolph had sent her something. Yes, along with us making the holidays our own and her love of Santa's reindeers we always make certain there's a gift in there from a reindeer or two. I told her "Yes" and she wanted to know what it was and I told her she had to wait until Christmas. She again, didn't question much because she still believes.


    I know its not much but the fact that she still has this belief is an accomplishment since I've heard stories of kids figuring out that there is no Santa as young as three. I'd love to keep her a kid forever and allow her to believe in magic as long as possible but I know the end is near where she will realize Santa is really Mommy and Daddy. Until that day comes, I will enjoy the moments of wonder with her believing in a big jolly man who brings gifts.santa


  • Cute or creepy?

    Its that time of year again! Yes, the holiday season is upon us. You can't escape Christmas music no matter where you go and well, you just can't escape the joy of Christmas no matter what- its all around you. Also, the return of Elf on the Shelf happens this month as well!! If you don't know what an Elf on the Shelf is- let me show you.


    Yes, this little guy- he's the Elf on the Shelf. Basically, what you are suppose to do is buy this little guy and through the month of December when your kids go to sleep you move him around the house and have him getting into things. This same idea has been done with toy dinosaur's.


    Anyways, I can't help but see a creepy elf. Is the elf suppose to be cute and I'm missing it? He seriously looks rather creepy to me and that this little elf may possibly poke my eye's out in the middle of the night. Sure, maybe I've watched one too many "Puppet Master" movies but he does look like an evil little elf. I would think that at least one in five kids would find this elf scary. I wouldn't want a crazy elf roaming around my house while I slept. I know the idea is to keep the magic alive with kiddos but come on, at least make the guy NOT look creepy. Am I the only one that finds this little guy creepy? Please, tell me I'm not the only that thinks this way...