
  • What is wrong with people?

    All-Sizes Okay, so I'm browsing my news this afternoon and I ran across this: http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/hollister-photo-thin-model-airbrushing-164022678.html No one will say if this is air brushed or not naturally but still...what if this girl is just naturally thin and everyone is simply saying 'eww' and calling her names. Also, mind you when you look at the clothes they put her into that could also be helping her look thinner than she actually is in real life.


    People skinny bash/thin shame and don't even realize that they are doing it on a daily basis. As someone whose always been on the thin side I've heard it all and most of the time people don't even see what they are doing. The example I always use it is that its okay for someone to walk up to me and say 'eat a cheeseburger' but if I respond with 'maybe you shouldn't eat so many cheeseburgers.' I'm the bad guy yet the person said pretty much the same thing to me. Both statements are negative at the end of the day but of course, since you are saying it to a thin person who you think has it easy its perfectly acceptable.


    If we want our little girls to not have body issues we need to showcase many different body types, the curvy girls, the thin as a rail girl, the kind of curvy girl, the toned girl..you get the idea. We shouldn't be picking ONE body type to rule them all, we need our young girls to see numerous body types in women and know that regardless of what you are born with that its your body and you should be happy with it. There is no need to make one set of girls feel great about themselves while putting down another set of girls.


    Every little girl and every woman should feel represented somewhere. Right now it appears as if being skinny is 'out' and we are automatically unhealthy since we are skinny. They could, I don't know leave the imagine alone and add in other types of models so that the message is there that we are all built differently and that's okay.


    As someone whose skinny and eats and trust me, I eat...I've been eating more than my fair share since I've gotten my teeth fixed. I think we all need to stop assuming about someone because they are skinny. We should encourage our little girls to be healthy.....period! In fact, here's one of the comments on the article: "What of she's just naturally skinny teen? I was skin and bones in my teens and filled up only by the age of 25. People come in all shapes and forms, there's no need to insult her, in my opinion. Those reactions are idiotic." I completely agree! Stop insulting and start encouraging. There is no one 'right' body type and there is no need to put each other down. There's really no reason to shame one another. Also, in case you are wondering...Never tell a skinny girl to eat something, its offensive. I know for me whenever someone says that to any girl I grumble and roll my eye's. Think before you speak especially to a skinny girl.



  • Ugly Betty


    Being my typical self I end up finding the cool shows LONG after they have been canceled. Yep, I just finished watching "Ugly Betty". Mind you, for some reason in season four there was an entire episode I had watched but other than that I never really had any interest in it when it was on the air. I also didn't know that the show would really remind of "The Devil Wears Prada" which mind you is one of my favorite movies, ever!


    Anyways, I see why the show has a cult following. It is this sweet little show that keeps you interested. The characters are all very endearing and the writing is genius. This is one of the shows that got caught up in the writers strike too and they did rush a story arch along a bit for obvious reasons but they did plan it out nicely and placed all the characters on vacations for a set amount of time so it worked with the story.


    I have to say that I do have a few favorite episodes in there. I do love her sisters wedding that leads up to the finale and the tooth fairy episode where her dentist leads her on a journey of what life would be like if she was born with perfect teeth.  A lot of my favorite episodes ended up landing in season four which is funny since that's when they started losing ratings. They could have even continued the show(at least in mind) with it NOT being "Ugly Betty" and just calling it "Betty". There was just still so much potential there even if the original idea had been slightly changed and rearranged. Each character is also constantly changing and evolving. Someone for sure put a lot of thought into each character and each event to each character.


    Now, the ending is pretty fitting as well and as with the current trend of bringing back shows that were canceled I hope we at some time get the rest of the final story with Betty and Daniel. Come on, they are bringing back "24", "Heroes: Reborn" and there's a "Veronica Mars" movie coming out..Now is the time for the writers and the actors to come back and give the movie that was being discussed when Betty got canceled. Everyone else got their stories tied up in a nice little bow but we are left hanging on what happens with Betty and her former boss. Its really not fair at all. Yes, they did a great job with the ending but it leaves you wanting more. We can even go a few years in the future and do flashbacks so we can see what happens in London. Come on, give us the movie!! I demand it! I want more!!

  • Why do we hate parents?



    Why do we as parents hate each other? Does it have something to do with what we watched as we grew up and the media's own input on lack of parenting and bad parenting. As I was sitting down this morning to my morning coffee and my daughter sitting beside me while she watched "Max and Ruby". This spawned a discussion on Facebook of how these two bunnies have no parents present..ever! They have a grandmother who lives down the street but no sign of their parents.  A lot of the movies I watched growing up had lack of parents in them. Disney is known to kill off parents in their movies especially Mother's. In fact, we watched "Frozen" last night which was a good movie but still..the parents forced the girls to live in isolation.


    Another movie I loved growing up was "Land before time". My daughter spent most of last year obsessed with those movies. Do you know what? The parents in that movie just kind of let the kids run off and it takes them at least an hour to realize that they had gone and run off..Really? What parent takes that long to notice that their kids aren't present and where they are suppose to be. Again, another example of the media making us parents look like dim wits and yet we wonder why parents spend most of their time attacking each other on everything under the sun. Maybe we're defense because of what we see in media and how we as parents are portrayed to the world. I don't think every parent is that clueless but seriously, we all have to make our own calls with our children and some of those calls won't be popular with everyone..


    After the "Land before time" obsession my daughter had she went into wanting to watch "The Lion King" which was one of my favorites growing up. Mufasa is a great Dad and the first part of the movie Simba has a wonderful family until like clockwork like what Disney loves to do one parent is killed and the kid runs off. Again, painting a picture that you as a kid don't need your parents and in order to learn some massive life lesson you have to run away or have a parent be killed.


    Is it just considered bad writing to put in parents? Of course, when it comes to Max and Ruby they say that they are alone and solving their own problems to show that kids can solve their own issues..Okay, that's great and all but at least have the parents make an appearance somewhere in there. I know in the "Cat and the hat" TV show on PBS at least the parents say its okay for them to go off with the Cat and explore. Sure, every time they get to leave and I secretly want the parents to say 'No! You can't go. You didn't do your homework yet!' but at least the parents are there to an extent.


    Yes, I'm rambling but my thought is that maybe we as parents are constantly at war with each other because the media basically shoves it into our face that parents are indeed fumbling idiots. Sure, we as parents don't know what we're doing ALL the time but I don't think we're all just a bunch of buffoons.

  • Its been a decade!



    Yes, I've been with my husband for a decade now. Yes, a DECADE! We have a tenure now. Its pretty impressive considering that my last relationship before my husband only lasted three years. If you haven't guessed yet, this blog is just all about the decade we have been together.


    To start things off, lets take a look back at what was happening in the world in 2004:

    -Facebook had just launched.

    -Everyone was on this thing called Myspace.

    -Nipple gate with Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake had just happened at the Super Bowl.

    -Paris Hilton had her own reality TV show.

    -Ashley Simpson got caught lip-synching on SNL.

    -Pat Tillman(Arizona Cardinals football player) was killed in the line of duty.

    - Shrek 2 had just come out in the theaters.

    -Bush Jr. took his second term as President.

    -Britney Spears hadn't gone crazy yet.

    -Ken Jennings won 74 games and 2.4 million dollars on Jeopardy.

    -Cell phones weren't 'smart' yet.

    -In November of that year, a little MMO called World of Warcraft would launch.

    - Jessica Simpson and Nick Lacey were still married and on TV with a reality show called "Newlyweds".

    Yes, we are officially an old married couple with being married this long...that being said its time for me write out the meat and potatoes of this blog. Here's ten major things I have learned over the 10 years of being together that and its my own personal nuggets of wisdoms to any newlyweds or new couples....So, here we go!

    1. You will go to bed angry- When we were newlyweds I always did a silent eye roll when someone would give us the advice of not going to bed angry. Yeah, you know what? This is real life and you WILL go to bed angry from time to time. This isn't a sitcom or even an hour long drama TV show. Sometimes things can't be fixed in a half an hour, an hour or even two hours. Sometimes it is just better to get some rest and then go about the issue the next day with fresh eye's.

    2. Your spouse is on your side- This is one of those things that a lot of couples lose sight of and its easy to do so. Your spouse is your home team and the one who is rooting for you regardless. You should be able to depend on each other in both good and bad. Don't go around thinking your spouse is the enemy. My husband is my best friend and I would on most days hang out with him over a whole lot of other people. Don't lose sight of each other and remember, you are the home team.

    3. If you are about to go for the night and your spouse looks at you and says 'what is that horrible thing you are wearing?'. Seriously, don't get upset just go upstairs and change into something else. You are suppose to impress your spouse and be attractive to your spouse. If an outfit, hairstyle or anything makes you unattractive to them, simply change it. I can't stress that enough. There's no need to throw a hissy fit either....Again, one of your main goals should be to remain attractive in the eye's of your spouse. Along those same lines: Don't be afraid to try out new things like cutting your hair really, really short. Sometimes change can be a good thing.

    4. Have a third party you both trust- I got this one from my friend who is a psychologist(thanks Deb). Pick a third party that you both trust, its someone who you both can talk to about things. If you need to complain about each other this person is the one you can go to that way not everyone on the face of the planet hears you complaining. In certain cases the third party can help fix fights. Yes, we have a trusted third party. He's had to come and be the middle man in a few fights and he's also the Godfather to our daughter. The next number also has to do with this number so...

    5. Don't air your dirty laundry to everyone- This one seems like common sense but with Facebook and social media its easy to end up airing your laundry all over the place. I've been told by numerous people that it appears that I have a 'perfect marriage' which I smile at silently because that means I'm doing my job right online. People don't need to know that you and your spouse are fighting over something or even what your last fight was about....When you do that all you are doing is giving cheap entertainment to the on lookers and some of which I'm sure would love to see you fail as a couple. Keep your dirty laundry in the basket hidden from the public.

    6. Once you are married you are your own family so make your own traditions- Yep, this one the hubby and I run with and A LOT. Sure, some of our traditions come from my family, some come from his and some of them....Well, we just made up on our own. Case in point, met our friend Jacob! He's our mouse and we decorate him for Christmas, Halloween, Easter, etc etc..I think you get the point but yeah, he's the first purchase we made as a couple and he's our own little tradition for the holidays.

    birthday (1)

    7. Make time for each other- this one should be common sense but to some people it really isn't...Just because you are married and you landed the girl/guy that doesn't mean that you should stop courting your mate. Go out on dates especially without the child(ren) in toe. You were a couple before you had kid(s). Once your child(ren) move out it will just be the two of you so you mine as well make sure you still like each other at the end of the day.

    8. Don't sweat the small stuff- Really, it doesn't matter if the toilet seat got left up, or who ended up doing the laundry this week....That's really small fries. It's not sense in having fights over the small things that go wrong in your life. Save your fights with the big issues and not the small ones. If you waste too much time fighting over small stuff...Well, you'll waste a lot of time you could be spending together and being happy.

    9. Don't lose your own identity- Just because you are married doesn't mean you have to be the same person. Keep your own interests that are separate from your spouse. Even still, give each other space when needed. A couple nights a week of you two NOT sleeping in the same room is a good thing too. Sometimes its nice to have the bed all to yourself and be able to stay up late reading, watching a movie or catching up on TV shows without disturbing your partner. You are married and don't have the joined to hip thing too far. Give each other space and don't give up hobbies just because you have a spouse and kids.

    10. Remember why you started dating the person and WHY you wanted to marry them in the first place- Every couple has tough times and certain times and that being said, sometimes you need to just sit down as a couple and remember WHY you wanted to be with that person in the first place. Don't lose sight of why you wanted to be with that person in the first place.

    So, there you have! One decade down complete with good and bad times. We've weathered many storms in these past ten years and we are still together. In today's world where people leave each other all the time, I'd say us staying together is a pretty big accomplishment..Cheers to the ten year milestone.




  • My unconventional relationship.

    So, my friend had a status message the other day that kind of inspired this blog. It ended up becoming a rather large status with everyone putting in their input here and there on what they thought was 'normal' and what wasn't normal. Anyways, I've come to realize that I have a very unconventional relationship. Now, its not that I didn't already know that but its that many people don't realize it or even 'get' it.


    At any rate, I started dating my husband in October of 03. In that time span of 10 years the hubby and I have only been away from each other for two weeks time. Those two weeks were when I was in the hospital giving birth and after my complications. Other than that we are around each other 24/7. Yes, we do run errands without each other from time to time and are away from each other for a few hours a pop here and there but for the most part there we are around each other. We do this out of choice. We do actually like each other and since we've invested so much time with each other, we pretty much know a whole lot about each other. Even though we've been together for 10 years, I tend to think that we act like a couple that's been together for 20 years just with the amount of time we spend together.


    Now, when we first got married my husband did get a part time job. Back then, that was considered more 'normal' to people. Even then I'd typically hang around the mall during his shifts and even sometimes see a movie while he was working. Again, we like each other and we like spending time with each other. I don't find it odd at all but I know a lot of people do find it odd.


    I know many friends have asked me over the years 'how do you do it?' and 'oh, you haven't killed your husband yet with that arrangement.' Not to sound like a broken record or anything but its not that tough when you really like and love each other. Sure, it does help that we have spare rooms and we know when to give each other space but really, its not that tough. Yes, we do have a lot of the same hobbies but at the same point in time we do have a few different hobbies between the two of us. We do give each other space and give each other room to be our own person even though we both work from home. My husband being always around also comes in handy when one of us gets sick. Last summer  for instance, my husband gave himself heat stroke and he spent the entire day upstairs. He went upstairs and I stayed downstairs with the girls watching movies all day. If I get sick, he's right here and ready to pick up the slack. When I had my dental work done and I had a craving for lemonade he was right there to run and get it for me while I gave our little one a bath.


    Does my husband drive me crazy? Yes, of course he does. Some days he drives me crazier than others but I think that goes with every relationship. Oddly enough, there are very few days where he drives me crazy. Do we fight? Of course we do! There's no couple out there that doesn't fight regardless of how much time they spend together. Of course, we fight very rarely. Typically, when we do fight its because one of us is hungry. Being around each other as much as we are its hard to not be on the same page. Things were really rough around the edges when our youngest was a baby. I would be upstairs taking care of her while he was downstairs writing(working), cleaning, making dinner or other things. If things started going bad with the little one aka teething I'd bring her downstairs and he'd put up whatever he was working on and help out.


    I guess I got lucky. I married someone who I enjoy being around and we both want to be around each other. I know I've read about certain couples that aren't used to being around each other 24/7 and the second it comes time to retire the couple realizes they can't stand each other and end up divorced. I can say that we won't have that problem. We have solid ground with each other and even when one of us runs out for a few hours for this, that or the other we do still text each other or call to say that we are headed home, finally. Yes, we are 'that' couple that is horribly close and makes everyone roll their eyes but at the same point in time some get jealous because they don't have that with the person they happen to be dating. Its hard enough nowadays to make a marriage last 10 years and somehow we've done it. We've also managed to make it last while being constantly around each other.


    Every relationship has its own quirks and I've accepted that. As long as there's no abusive undertones in the quirks who am I judge another couple and their ways? Besides, I would rather not be normal so its fitting that my relationship with my husband isn't normal.


  • Why does it even matter?

    So, my daughter is upstairs playing in her room and I was thumbing through yahoo news since she didn't give me time to look through the news this morning and I ran across this: http://shine.yahoo.com/parenting/is-it-wrong-to-call-daycare-%E2%80%9Cschool%E2%80%9D-171443380.html   I now ask, why does this even matter?


    Now, anyone who knows our situation knows that the hubby and I both work from home but right before our youngest was ready to start pre-school we were told she needed some socialization. So, we enrolled her into a daycare BUT we were picky with the place we picked. It wasn't just a daycare it was a school. The daycare did have a curriculum and it was more than just running around and playing all the time. The place also had structure and was arranged in sections for easy pick up/drop off points for parents through out the day. Our daughter went three days a week and for a while she was in both pre-school AND the daycare school program we had her in.


    Everyone's situation is different, we did it so our daughter could socialize some and get used to the structure a school would offer. Sure, she only went a couple of days a week for three days a week but it was something. It booster her confidence and it allowed the hubby and I a chance to go out and about without a child in toe which helped out our marriage. It just again, seems like everyone is all up in everyone's business to the point where....well, its annoying. Who is anyone to judge? Its not your situation to deal with at the end of the day.


    Oh well, that's my rant for today.

  • I can show my pearly whites now with pride!

    So, as many of you know I've had major fears over dentists for years. Yes, I feared them so much that I neglected to go for years. Eventually, it took its toll on my mouth and I started to notice it. I lived with it for a while and finally I just got sick of it and I put my foot down and said that we were ALL going to go to the dentist to get checked out and get what work done that needed to be done.


    Its been a long journey to say the least. My husband knew my fears and we were going back and forth on how to get me over my anxiety. It was his idea over the summer that I should go in with our daughter and observe her cleaning. So, he set her up with an appointment over the summer and I sat in on her cleaning. Now, I had a list of five dentists at the time that I researched. Two different sets of dentists as well- one for us adults and one for us kids. Turns out the second one on my list for the kids dentist was the jackpot since it was a family dentist. Logan made the appointment happily and he even asked a few questions himself about the dentist and whatnot. She went to her first appointment right before the fourth of July. I liked the office to me it was set up like a hair salon. The hygienist's were nice and friendly. It was also very obvious they were all trained on how to deal with kids. My daughter was a bit nervous but they helped her every step of the way and described stuff to her in terms she could understand for her age. I was pretty much sold on this dentist after my daughters first visit. I then met with the dentist who was friendly and not once was I made to feel bad for not having dental insurance for a long while. Anyways, all in all I went with my daughter to a total two other appointments where she had work done. After her first appointment where she had work done I was for sure that I had to do this for myself and for real, so my husband set me up with an appointment.


    I had my first appointment before my daughters second appointment, so I knew what was going to go on but of course, me fearing dentists did have a nervous breakdown even though they weren't even putting any instruments in my mouth. In fact, my husband was in the room too for moral support and yet, I did still have my meltdown. So yeah, that got me labeled as a high anxiety patient and go figure, the dentist I selected happens to be the one in the office that deals with people like me. Anyways, after my daughters second appointment I got to go in and get the damage on my mouth. Oddly enough, it wasn't as much sticker shock as I was expecting.

    So, on with the story: I had my work set up for after the holidays. I had a few prescriptions I had to take since I was the lucky winner of a mouth infection. The first appointment was by far the worst wait. It was mostly because I didn't know what was going to happen or how much pain I was going to be in after the fact. Seriously, I got a whole lot of pain killers and I automatically assumed that was a sign of how much pain I was going to be. I made it to the first appointment even though I wanted to run. Yes, my heart rate was too high and they couldn't do anything at first. My dentist was more than understanding, she got me calm down and they went to work.


    It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Of course, I still hate the numb face feeling but then again my daughter hates it too. It was a lot of tugging, poking, scraping but all in all it wasn't THAT bad. I had my laughing gas and I had my music. The music helped immensely and I do have to say, if you fear dentists the laughing gas is the best 50 dollars you will ever spend. Sure, most insurance companies won't cover it for adults but trust me, its worth it. It'll calm you down and you keep you in the chair and even at some points it'll make the entire experience funny. Anyways, the dentist explained every step to me along the way. At one point the dentist and the hygienist did a happy dance because they saw my pretty teeth. Apparently a lot of people with my issue don't always have nice teeth but I got to the issue soon enough and my teeth survived. The first side really seemed to be the worst of it. The recovery was a bit more for the one side of my mouth than the other side. I guess that's not surprising either since I had them work on the side of my mouth that was the worst first. By the time they did the second side it went TONS smoother. They said they were done with first side and I was shocked but it took the same two hours as the first side. The second appointment with me was so easy that I came home, waited for the numbness to wear off, had some eggs, took a shower, and picked up my daughter from school. All in all the worst of it both times was a bit of soreness and the headache after.


    Anyways, now my mouth is better and I'm thrilled! I can smile, open my mouth and talk without fear of being judged. I'm more energetic, more things are getting done around the house and I've picked up hobbies that well, I haven't touched in years. I also have a bunch better relationship with food. Oh food, I love food now! I don't fear having to eat because it may hurt. My diet is better since I can eat apples, oranges, strawberries, sandwiches, pizza. Yes, I adore pizza now! All the foods that I had stopped eating because they hurt my mouth suddenly didn't hurt anymore. I have freedom! Its as if I've woken up from a long winter's nap. Now, my husband has called and made his own appointment..Yay! Taking this step has been the best thing I have ever pushed for in this house. I think I finally understand that dentists aren't bad people and they do want to help. I love my dentist and if she can help me conquer my fears I'm sure she can help my anxious husband. I have overcome a major thing that I have been fearing!! I feel like I've taken over the world and no one can keep me down now. Even my husband says I'm more fun to be around and for some reason I can think on my feet more with our daughter. Well, okay my husband says the dentist did voodoo magic on me. Anyways, if you grew up in the 80s and you fear dentists..seriously, the technology has gotten so much better since we were kids and nowadays there's dentists that are trained on how to deal with those of us who are seriously anxious. Its a world of difference!

  • People are jerks.

    Ninjacat (226)


    So, we have taken in the cute cat pictured. He started hanging around our house around New Year's. He went MIA for a little bit than a few days ago he came back around, we gave him some canned food then he tried to follow me when it came down to picking up my daughter from school. I didn't want him to get run over since he was trying to follow me to the road, I had my husband come and swoop him up and bring him inside. For now, he's in our upstairs bathroom since he isn't fixed and he has a vet appointment on Monday where we will see if he has a chip in him or not.


    The night we took him in my eight year old asked why he was so hungry. Since we've brought him in, he's been eating a lot of food. I had to explain to my daughter that we don't know how long he's been out on his own and when the last time he had a good meal was so he was hungry. This turned into another huge conversation with her about how people are jerks to animals. I figured I'd have to one of these days have this conversation since we've taken in and helped numerous stray animals over the years up to and including a stray turkey. I had to explain to her why it's not okay to just leave behind an animal on the street and why people sometimes do it, basically all the harsh realities of the world and why when you buy a pet its important to keep up on your responsibility and do right for the pet.


    Like I said earlier: We've taken in so many stray animals over the years and only one of them were we able to find the owner. Yep, we took in a little doggie(girl) and she had a tag and when we called the owner they were happy to come and pick up their little girl other than that people just ditch their animals and expect someone else to take care of them. Yes, I told my daughter all about how people are jerks sometimes when it comes to their pets. The hubby and I have been trying to see if anyone claims this cat but so far no one has claimed him and well, my daughter is more than willing to make this guy 'her cat'. She wants to take care of him, feed him and love him. Of course, no choices will be made until the vet visit on Monday. Yes, some people may be jerks but I do know more than one person whose like the hubby and myself: Those who want to help animals that are found lonely and hungry.

  • But he's just a Dad?!!

    Yet again, another interesting story showed up today. Here it is: http://shine.yahoo.com/parenting/awesome-dad-styles-daughter-39-hair-breaks-internet-204400163.html

    It's your average everyday Dad doing his daughters hair because his wife was running late for work. For some reason, this picture has caused people to get angry and even bad mouth the father for taking the picture.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but shouldn't this Dad be praised? Don't we want more men to be involved with their children? Being a 'real man' is more than just bringing in the money and leaving everything else up to woman at home. I've seen my husband put up my daughter's hair on more than one occasion, he's even put on princess crowns for her and he lets her brush his hair too. I just don't understand why people are hating on this father? Is it because they aren't man enough to do something like this or is it something else?

    Meanwhile, you have this going: http://www.complex.com/music/2014/01/young-jeezy-arrested-son?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Twice%2520a%2520Week&utm_campaign=Twice%2520a%2520Week%25202014-01-07

    and certain people are actually trying to defend his actions? Really? You hurt your child like that and some people are seriously, trying to not jump to conclusions and not the judge man who clearly did wrong to his son.

    I don't get it- a good Dad is being hated on a bad Dad is having people trying to defend him..What's wrong with this picture here? Why don't we praise the good, stand up Dad and put down the Dad that clearly did wrong. Are we really that backwards in today's society? I swear sometimes people just have no clue and just want to hide behind a keyboard and be all high and mighty because they have a screen to hide behind. Urgh, just urgh....is it really that hard to pat someone on the back nowadays and say 'good job' and is it really that hard nowadays to know a good Dad when you see one?

  • And a Happy New Year!



    What a way to end the year! I'm sitting here with a weenie dog who needs his pain killer in about an hour because he pulled a muscle in his back. Yep, I had to run all over the place yesterday and get him seen at the first available time the vet had and now, my little friend is on pain med's for about two weeks and he's due for his daily pain med in about an hour. Oh well, it could have been worse in the long run. Now, just to get him to remain calm so he can heal..yeah, that's been fun so far to say the least..Anyways, now I am ranting and missing the point of this blog.


    This year has been the year of the dentist. We have all started going to see the dentist. My little one is all caught up and now, we are just waiting for her adult molars to come in so she can get her retainer. I am, oddly enough counting down to my two cleanings at the start of the year. I've reached the point where I'm done with what's going on in my mouth. I also know what's going on in my mouth and well, my issue had to wait since everyone decides to use up their insurance at the end of the year. Oh well, I can't wait to get my dental cleanings done and over with so that I can finally have a steak..Oh, a steak!


    The little one here is doing wonderfully in school this year. Her confidence has grown and with that her teacher's are now seeing what we see at home- a smart kid. She's also speaking vocabulary words that are well, simply put- large words and she understands them. I am proud of my little one for finally finding her way in school and finding a way to shine.


    I can't wait to get back to dance once my mouth is clean and back to seriously playing the flute. Both of those things my mouth holds me back in the long run. I'm not one for resolutions but I do have things to get done over a year. I have things I want to get done and things I want to get back to that I've grown to miss.


    This year has not been horrible at all. I am simply looking for better than what this year had to offer. So, with that..I send off 2013 and I am getting ready to send in 2014 and shake it's hand. I hate dentists but I am looking forward to my appointments..I know, I must be sick but hey, I want to get this over with and get on with my life without worrying about what I can eat and can't eat due to my gums. Its time and I'm ready..Bring it! I mean, after all..If my daughter can have teeth pulled, cavities filled and bounce back I think I can do it. I'm not even having teeth pulled..It seriously can't be that bad..right?